Our Rules

Ethics and rules policy

To foster the ideals of strong competition and fair play, the LLA has instituted an ethics and rules policy that sets the standard of behavior for our programs, coaches, players, and families. To provide consistency and help players with learning the rules of the game, our game rules have been aligned to the USA Lacrosse ruleset, with only slight modifications based on the needs of our programs.

Click here to download the LLA 2024 Ethics and Rules Policy

Rules Quick Reference Sheet Downloads

K through 2nd
3rd and 4th
5th and 6th
7th and 8th

Rules committee

The rules committee is responsible for reviewing annual rules updates from USA Lacrosse, drafting and proposing rule changes to LLA member programs, and serves as adjudicators in the event of an ethics violation. The rules committee for 2024 consists of the following:

2024 Rules Emphasis

With the alignment to the USA Lacrosse rules for the 2024 season, there are several key process and rule changes that impact our players. The following are key rule differences from past years that will be enforced this season.

All Levels

Indirect Head Contact
Even when not intentional, body contact that results in contact to the head can be dangerous. Follow through of any contact that results in contact with the head/neck will result in a 2-minute penalty. This is the standard from USA Lacrosse for youth play. The updated rule from the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) allowing for a 1-minute penalty is not followed.

Ejection for Targeting
The LLA wants to stress sportsmanship, and any play with the aim of intentionally harming another player is never acceptable. Any player that intentionally takes aim at the head/neck of an opponent will be immediately removed from the game. This includes the use of the crown of the helmet by any player, offense or defense, that targets the head/neck of another player.

Properly Worn Equipment
When a player's head hits the ground without a helmet, the chance of a concussion rises significantly. To emphasize this point, chinstraps must be worn over the chin, and any play resulting in a player's helmet coming off will result in an immediate stoppage play. The player losing their helmet must immediately leave the field and cannot come back onto the field until after the next dead ball.

Take Out Checks
To protect players as they learn the game and build field awareness, heavy body contact resulting in a player being violently knocked to the ground is not allowed at any level.

Fouling Out
Any player that receives 3 personal penalties or 5 minutes of personal penalty time will be removed from the game. This rule applies to 1st through 4th grade as well even though penalties are not served.

Eye Black
In alignment with USA Lacrosse and NFHS, eye black is limited to a single stroke with no words, numbers, logos, or symbols. Violating this rule is a 1-minute penalty.

K through 2nd Grade

To eliminate the need for coaches to referee games, referess will now be assigned to all 1st and 2nd grade games.

Development of goalies can be a challenge for many programs, and introducing players to the position earlier increases the chances that players will choose to become goalies later. Use of goalies at this age is now allowed, but not required. Since the focus of this age group is learning the game, play will be allowed when one team has a goalie and the other does not.

Mercy Rule
Leading teams must complete a minimum of 3 passes before attempting a shot. If the ball is dropped prior to reaching 3 passes, the count is reset and an addition 3 passes must be completed.

Pass Rule
To promote faster play and eliminate situations where players force bad passes just so they can attempt to shoot on goal, the pass rule has been simplified to requiring a single attempted pass with both players in the offensive zone. Teams must follow the spirit of the rule and attempt a pass intended to gain and advantage. Short passes at the midline, hidden ball plays, or other plays attempting to circumvent this rule will not be recognized as a pass attempt.

3rd and 4th Grade

Face Offs
To foster development of skills at face off and introduce players to the concepts of full field play, face offs will occur after each goal and at the start of every half. Two players from each team must be behind goal line extended until possession is gained. One player from each team will be on each sideline and can attempt to pick up a loose ground ball, but cannot initiate body contact with a face off player in a defenseless position while battling for the ball.

Mercy Rule
Once a team is up by 5 goals, the trailing team will receive the ball at the top of the offensive zone after a goal. Leading teams must complete a minimum of 3 passes before attempting a shot. If the ball is dropped prior to reaching 3 passes, the count is reset and an addition 3 passes must be completed.

Pass Rule
To promote faster play and eliminate situations where players force bad passes just so they can attempt to shoot on goal, the pass rule has been simplified to requiring a single attempted pass with both players in the offensive zone. Teams must follow the spirit of the rule and attempt a pass intended to gain and advantage. Short passes at the midline, hidden ball plays, or other plays attempting to circumvent this rule will not be recognized as a pass attempt.

5th through 8th Grade

One-Handed Checks
To allow players to develop skills used at the high school level and beyond, one-handed checks are now allowed. One-handed checks will be subject to all existing rules related to slashing and targeting as a way to ensure safe and proper play.

All Personal Fouls Non-Releasable
Players must learn that improper play and penalties places their team at a disadvantage. To reinforce this point, all personal fouls regardless of severity will be non-releasable. Even if a goal is scored, players must serve the full penalty time. Technical fouls will still be released after a goal.

Mercy Rule
Once a team is leading by 5 goals, the trailing team will receive the ball at the top of the offensive zone after a goal. The counts to move the ball to the offensive zone or into the box will be waived for the trailing team. The 4-second count for goalies still applies.